Thursday, April 22, 2010

True Colors

It never ceases to amaze me at the lengths some will go through when threatened! It is election time and the claws are showing. As the vail comes down and the true colors come out we see how people really are. You know how the old saying goes..... Birds of a feather flock together or as the fluff goes anyway!

As always certain people have their own agenda and not the best interest of NARBC's members at heart. Please vote for what you feel is right. NARBC needs someone who will work hard for its members and listen to problems. When is the last time members were included in decisions or respected for their opinions rather than attacked publicly by the current officers? Its time for you to decide as members what you want. Do you want someone who has worked hard to make a difference for NARBS's members of keep the same old attitude and buddies in office.

Please take time to send in your vote because it does matter!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Another volunteer Gone!

Well Judy has made the newsletter late for the last time. After several very good newsletters Amanda had enough! Hope there is someone out there that likes being fussed at and demanded to do something their way to take over the newsletter! It is a big job that no one appreciates unless you have walked in their shoes. ;) Until someone steps up and changes NARBC, this will happen over and over! There is a lot of good people with lot of talent out there that would do a great job, but do not want to put up with all the crap!

""Judy and Margaret-

After much thought and reflection, I am resigning effective immediately, 1 Jul 09, as the newsletter editor.

Instead of looking forward to using my creative abilities, I am dreading having to continually harass officers, board members, and committee chairs to send me their articles for the newsletter.

Please understand that this has been a long thought out decision and I must do what is right for me and my family.

Amanda Politino""

You will be missed Amanda!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Good Money For Bad

If you haven't been to the NARBC web site lately you really should go. It is a classic example of paying for a web site and getting a REALLY BAD outcome. The members of NARBC are now paying for their web site. In the past it has been done be a member. Now the board has decided to pay someone out side the club to do the site. No one bothered to ask the members if they were in favor of this or not. As usual they just did as they pleased!
You as members are now paying a $500 dollar design fee AND a $200 dollar Shopping cart set up fee. On top of that you are being charged a $8.95 dollar a month fee for the web server. Well the site is hosted with They charge $6.95 dollars a month and the designer is charging you members $8.95 a month. No biggie just another $2.00 a month extra charge!  In addition, after the first year there is $100 dollar fee per year to maintain the web site. Ok we are up to $724.00 extra plus $100.00 per year that would not have to be paid of your money!
The design is all done with JavaScript. That would not normally be a problem but a lot of members have older computers and are not able to see the stuff done in Java. It is just in general a very bad design. It breakes all the rules of good web design habbits. Every page opens in a new window and is a .pdf. By the time you get done looking at the site you have a million windows open! I don't know about you but I believe your money could have been better spent!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sneak It On In

What is wrong with a little white lie now and then? Well after awhile you just cant keep them straight! You start to forget who you told what to, till finally it catches up with you. Judy our NARBC President, told another one the other day. Again this is a "Rule" she just came up with out of the blue. It pertains to the elections coming up in NARBC. As you can see below it is described as "a one time post" "(per decision made by the Internet committee).  "  It just so happens this did not per the internet committee. Is was - as per Judy! This was caught not only by this person but several others who expressed dismay at another untruth!
Sent out by Judy on May 8th .......
"" RE: [NARBC] Ballot
Also, a one time post for 'campaigning' is allowed on the NARBC list  (per decision made by the Internet committee). 
Good luck to all! 
Thank you,
Judy   ""

This was posted in the March "08" NARBC newsletter by Judy in Sally Campbell's District 9 report.

"President's note - Your dues must be paid thru the term. (A write-in will not be considered if you are knowingly campaigning and you have not paid your dues. This is part of the election process rules.) After your dues are paid, you can post your request for support on the NARBC group list one time. If someone wants to see your resume, that needs to be done privately. Thank you for cooperating! Judy"

As you can see, Judy has implemented the "posting to the list one time" then and not the internet committee. The internet committee at that time assures me that was NOT the case back in "08"!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ya Just Don't Say!

If you have been a member of NARBC for any amount of time, you probably know that certain peoples opinions wain with the wind and who ever is in charges feelings at that particular point in time. You are either in the good graces with Judy and Margaret or your are ignored and put off. If they need you to do something and feel you are able to be controlled, they use you for what ever purpose they want at that time. If you disagree with them you are out on your fanny!

Kim Gay has been a member of NARBC for many years, since sometime in the 80's I think. In that time she has been an active member meaning she gave freely of her time to do many things for NARBC. She wore several hats and sometimes several at the same time over the years. She has served on the Internet Committee since the 90's I think. I believe her work to be very good and sincere with the best of intentions. 

Awhile back when Amy took over NARBC and kicked everyone out that knew the ropes, Joan Hastings sent Kim an email saying how she thought her work on the NARBC web site was very nice and she thanked her for all her hard work. Fast forward to now and because "The Boss Judy" has issues with other people who are Kim's friends, Joan has changed her tune about Kim's work on the NARBC web site. Kim out of the blue got a call from Judy sometime in early January (just days before the newsletter came out) saying she (Judy) was put in charge of getting information on getting  several bids for an outside source to redesign the web site and maintain it. Judy said she "just forgot to let Kim know that this took place at the board meeting at Convention back in October". 

Kim finally got the minutes from the board meeting at the October Convention and this is what was said....
"New Business:
Joan Hastings asked if any of the Board members had received any comments or suggestions regarding our NARBC, Inc website.  Some indicated they had received comments regarding it not being as user friendly, nothing in the ‘for members only’ section, wanting more information such as sanctioned shows, not being updated, and difficulty using the shopping cart.  After discussion  Joan Hastings moved the Board look into the cost and feasibility of having the website designed and maintained by an outside company.  Linda Kolassa seconded the motion.  All in favor.  Judy Riddle is to obtain information and get back to the Board on her findings."
"Board members present:
Judy Riddle, Joan Hastings, Margaret Bartold, Jack Bailey, Cindy Stelloh, Linda Kolassa,  and Debbie Eldridge."

Now all of a sudden Kim's work is not up to par? Not one person on the board bothered to ask Kim any questions about the web site like : Someone has said they are having trouble with the links and it isn't very user friendly. Could you please see what you can do? Or Ya know you may want to change this about the web site. Kim repeatedly asked for input on the NARBC web site in every newsletter and on the NARBC group list. Not one person gave suggestions on improving it only that she was doing a great job and they really liked it.

Upon getting the board minutes Kim decided immediately that if they were going to pay someone for all the work she had done for free, it was time to quite! After years of giving and giving of hundreds of dollars in time and web designs they didn't even have the decency to say anything other than just don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out! Or this very condescending statement from Linda Kolassa - "I know you are not happy with the way things have gone.  In your position I probably wouldn't be either. But this was all discussed at the Board meeting at convention. If you had been able to attend your views could have been voiced. I'm sorry that wasn't possible."

This is the attitude shared by the board members listed above who voted as they did - All in favor! 

Friday, April 10, 2009

Constitution and By Laws committee

It has been said in the past that NARBC likes their constitution just the way it is and has no interest in making changes. I think this is VERY true! Awhile back Sally Campbell was District 9 Director and was appointed to be the chair of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee by Judy Riddle. Sally has great experience in working with club constitutions and was ready to help out with narbc. She proposed several things to be fixed or changed in the NARBC constitution as was her job. As with many other things that were posted to the narbc board, she was either ignored or put down for the things that were proposed to change. Sally has studied Roberts Rules and is knowledgeable on the rules that are to be followed when the NARBC constitution does not cover a certain situation. 

The situation was discusses about write-ins for officers and directors at election time. Sally made some suggestions on how it was handled in the colored angora goat association. This and that was said and not very nicely. As it wound up Sally was put off as basically not knowing what she was talking about by most of the other board members. Judy didn't agree with what was suggested and what is really stated in the rules so she does what she pleases and how she and Margaret sees fit.

After having enough harassment by certain board members and seeing that she was not going to get anywhere with changing anything, Sally decided not to re-run for District 9 Director. This is an excerpt from her District 9 report in the newsletter in March 08 - 

"District 9 Report
Hi All,
I've represented District 9 for the past 2 years and like all good things my term in office has come to the end of the road. I've made a tough decision not to run for re-election this year because I simply don't have the extra time to devote to this position. If anyone is interested in running for D-9 Director or any other open office in NARBC but thought it was to late, well guess again. Our club has a write-in vote! Do your campaigning on line and you could be the lucky winner. Good luck to all."

Out of spite Judy told the newsletter editor to put the following "IN Sally's District 9 report". Out of respect for Sally the editor did not put it in Sallies report but below it. - 

"President's note - Your dues must be paid thru the term. (A write-in will not be considered if you are knowingly campaigning and you have not paid your dues. This is part of the election process rules.) After your dues are paid, you can post your request for support on the NARBC group list one time. If someone wants to see your resume, that needs to be done privately. Thank you for cooperating! Judy"

Ok by who's authority Judy can make decisions like You can only "post to the NARBC list one time" if you decide to run after resumes have been printed? It was never voted on or discussed she just said "that's the way it is"!!  Judy denies telling the newsletter editor that she said to "put the above remark in Sallies report BUT there is an email Judy sent to prove otherwise!

This is what Sally said to Judy when she saw the above NOTE - 

* *
*I just finished reading the Newsletter and your President's note attached to the bottom of my report is quite offensive and demeaning.  Who gave you the right to treat me with out respect and belittle me in print before the entire membership.  I expected more from you.....  *
* *
* What is stated is; There is a write-in vote...... that's it.*
* In the past, a write-in candidate wasn't required to follow official election rules.... Below are some of the following reasons given; *
*1.   A write-in candidate is drafted into office.  *
*2.  It's the members of the club "seeking" the candidate to be in office.*
*3.  The write in has the right to turn down the office.*
*4.  Only after the write-in has agreed to accept the position is he or she required to pay dues through the term of office.                                                                  *
* Realistically there's no way to govern it.*
* *
*Sally *

(the quotes and emails will be posted later today.)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Scoop On The Treasurer

After a lot of scheming and underhandedness the President and Secretary finally forced the Treasurer - Jacque Dumas to resign her office. They just took up where Amy Spang left off. They basically called her a lire and a cheat. She was constantly harassed and things done behind the scenes that the members of NARBC don't even have a clue go on. The President - Judy Riddle talked to other members about Jacque and made accusations about her behind her back. Jacque served NARBC faithfully for 7+ years with almost no one thanking or even saying "good job" to her. She was involved in every aspect of NARBC constantly helping out doing things for the club. She never once did anything wrong or stole from the club. She was repaid with behavior not even deserving of a criminal. All for what? Because she stood up for what was right and the President didn't like it! Jacque followed the rules while the President runs things how she sees fit and how she wants. If she and the Secretary and get by with it they sneak behind the scenes and change rules to fit what they are doing at the time. The members are never told what is going on within the club, and if they finally find out, well it is to late to do anything about it!

This is a copy from Jacque Dumas' Blog...
Entry for March 18, 2008

By Judy Riddle - "This is not a reflection on the Treasurer, the Secretary or any Officer or Director by any means.  It is just a way for us to be able to account for all money coming into the club, the same as the Treasurer's list would account for all money going out.  Doing this monthly would make it a lot easier for us to keep track of things instead of just seeing it in the newsletter."

Response by Jacque-

Dear Judy and the Board

I have thought and thought about this comment, and I think I found the solution that Judy seeks. I have called and talked to a couple of the Board Members in the past couple of days and there are some things the Board should know:

1) I requested a sanction for the Mid-South Angora Rabbit Society Show on March 2, 2008. I forgot to get the sanction previously, which is not normal for me.  I called Margaret and Judy on Saturday night, March 1, 2008.  I had been told always before "as long as it is received before the show, it will be honored". This was a Board decision and Margaret's decision after the last fiasco with the last Sanctions Chairman. Well, I was turned down. Mind you, I was in Dalton w/o access to computer to "PAY" the $24.00 required. Of course, I am the Treasurer and it would have been deposited promptly Monday AM, but, I was not allowed that commodity. In talking with past secretaries and sanctions chairmen, I have found that things like this have been done numerous times - it just depends on who you are. That was my first "inkling" that something was wrong with me. I was being treated as others have been in the past.

2)  Then, I see Judy's declaration on the Board List. Now, I am sorry, but, yes, I have taken this personally. The Treasurer receives all money and gives "quarterly" reports via the newsletter according to the Constitution and By Law. Look it up yourselves. Then, I find that Judy has implied to at least 2 Board Members that I might be paying bills w/o receipts. Well, I beg to differ. She has been implying (once again) that I am not trustworthy, and her declaration to the Board exemplifies that. I do not like people that cannot call me up personally and tell me what is wrong to my face. The only payouts that have been made without the receipts are $4.75 to her in an email request for postage to mail Sue Duncan her “Texas” Convention Shirt. Also, I paid out the $200.00 for Margaret and Judy at Convention without receiving receipts. Sorry, I thought they would be supplied later, but, I have yet to receive them. As for Judy’s payment of $4.75, I did advise her that I needed the receipt, but, I mailed her money anyway. The last time I questioned sending money to Judy w/o receipts, she made a big deal out of it to the Board…….I didn’t want the same problem this time. Some of you may remember that, and some of you won’t. She also complained about the size of the reports – the print per se – in the newsletter. The Report is sent directly from Peachtree 2007 computer program to the newsletter editor. It has been that way for years now. I used to cut and paste it, but, I found it could be sent from in the report, and that is the way it is being done.

3)      I had planned on running for District 6 Director, since I am giving up my Treasurer's position. And, I found a CPA willing to run, had her resume turned in and all, but, she pulled hers out because of "childish" emails she received from a Board Member. She refused to play "childish games" of politics. I was not called and told my resume would not be run in the newsletter, because my dues had not been paid for 2 years as required by the required deadline, but, I did hear it through the grapevine – because I received a cell phone call telling me what was going to happen. (Amazing how only 3 Board Members were supposed to know, but, it got out to friends of mine that no longer have rabbits.) So, I refused to play those games. I was not notified by Karin Bailey or Margaret or Judy - I was at a rabbit show that weekend (In Dalton, GA), but, I did call Margaret and Judy and told them to pull my resume - I would not be running for District 6 Director as planned. Judy did tell me that they had discussed that, but, they knew I was at a rabbit show.  Too much stress in my life was the reason given - and that part is true, but, I don't want to run when it is obvious I was not going to be allowed to or wanted to.......No the newsletter has not gone to the printer yet, and yes, my dues were paid on March 4 via Pay Pal, so that it could not be said that I didn't put them in the account and let Margaret (or the secretary) know - that was the way it has been done for the past 10 years - never a problem in the past. Why was there one now???

4) The newsletter has still not been sent to the printer - it is being held up by Judy - she wants all the ads in the same area of the newsletter. Kim has used them in the various "holes" in the newsletter to save space and money. Why is Judy being so picky all of a sudden??? Kim has been doing it that way since she started doing the newsletter.

I started showing angoras in October, 1993. I joined ARBA and NARBC at that time. I became Director for District 6 and served from August 1, 1996, until July 31, 1998. I was asked to take over as Treasurer in the summer of 1998 for Deborah Myers. Polly Holmes was President at that time. I have been Treasurer since August 1, 1998, until present. I have weathered 4 Presidents – Polly Holmes, Margaret Bartold, and Amy Spang, and of course, Judy Riddle for one term.  I have been accused of "stealing" or being "less than honest" for the last time. I weathered the storm through Amy Spang, and I thought everything was ok, but, once again it is election time, and the accusers have reared their ugly heads. I even heard Jack Bailey was a part of the accusers - I don't know if that is true, but, he is Judy's pick for Treasurer - and I can gladly see that he gets it. I have enjoyed my volunteer time, and maybe one of these days I will volunteer again – who knows how the tide may turn.

I don't know if you will get this by the Board List, since I know it is moderated, but, if you don't, I will make sure that the Board and Committee Members receive this email individually. I will also make sure that NARBC members know a portion of the "dirty politics" that go on in this Club. Even if this is not posted on the NARBC List as requested, please excuse me if you see this cross-posted on several lists - to make sure the NARBC Public members know. (I decided to post this on my blog page only – don’t want to be accused of mass mailing lies.)

I have kept my temper, and I have thought this out thoroughly. I am tired of fighting with people to protect my name and reputation. I am a Certified Public Bookkeeper and an Accredited Tax Preparer. I have my own business and have had since 1976. I do not need my credentials or ethics or practices questioned.

Therefore, I am resigning my position of Treasurer - effective immediately. The NARBC Yahoo address can be taken over by Margaret or Judy. They both have privy to the password. Also, the NARBC Pay pal account has the same password and member id as the NARBC Yahoo mail account. Judy and the Board were all told 2 years ago what those Id's and passwords were. I have never had anything to hide. I also provided the password to the Board for anyone to have access to the bank accounts provided online for the checking, savings, and money market. All you all had to do was look at any given time and see what is going on with the money. As soon as I am given the name of the person to take over my position, I will be glad to send the money that is left after what checks have been written clear. I will also be glad to send the boxes by Fed Ex. I will send the Fed Ex bill to the new Treasurer.